99% of mindset coaches make me cringe…here’s why:
99% of #mindset coaches make me cringe
… and whatever other coaches who incorporate working in mindset area into their business.
Of course, I cannot bash anyone’s work or intentions based of this one thing (as there’s more to each one of us) but let me put my two cents in here,
Whenever I bump into a post with this particular question:
“Sooo… What’s holding you back?”
If it had a sound it would be like those creepy slow motion scenes in movies.
… and If I could laugh, cringe and puke at the same time I would. IMHO Any idiot can point out a flaw or a problem, and although diagnostics are a significant part of my work,
Here is what I would expect a professional to know and apply (and do differently) :
A Mindset Professional would know that they should never ever trigger people’s thought process into spiraling down. Especially if you’re NOT in session where you can provide support, with people who already chose to work with you.
I chose to label this as either ignorant or unethical for following reasons:
First of all, why would you do wanna do it? People are already problem focused which is usually highly unproductive as it is. You can neither detect the core issue from a safe distance nor provide a solid solution.
Solutions are why people hire experts. They don’t need you to tell them how shitty their life or business is — they need you to lead the way forward. But not before they officially hire you. If you’re thinking posting statements like this on social media will make you stand out as an expert, I very much doubt it. It displays no actual knowledge, no skills, no tact and no awareness and possibly lack of integrity. Here’s why:
If you’re causing this to happen unintentionally, this means you’re unaware of the fact that you’re doing it. The least people should expect from a professional they’re hiring is for them to know what they’re doing.
If you’re causing this intentionally, is your heart truly in the right place?. This means that you’re using your skills and knowledge against people for self serving purposes. Isn’t that the very definition of unethical?
Of course every individual has the responsibility for their own processes, whether they decide to interact with you or not — however, you are forever responsible for what you bring to their table. Especially when you say you’re there to serve.
Stay conscious.