At peace with yourself: “Let it be”
I believe that every violent act, every hate crime, every fear driven action — has been nothing other than a manifestation of our own internal conflict, that as a root of all our suffering, and as such the root of all human suffering, has been caused by no other — than ignorance, by our limited or incorrect perceptions about what is true, what is right and what is normal. Usually these notions are only a matter of our own subjective reality, with the conviction of it being entirely an objective one.
Previous generations taught us in the ways they understood, and some ways were more refined than others, and some other ways were not. There is a lot of wisdom if we care to look around and listen attentively. Whichever ways there were, we can surely learn something from all of them. Truth is not restricted to few privileged individuals, like gurus and mystics or scientists, but it is certainly denied to those who refuse to confront it, to acknowledge it — and there are so many who chose this way, even as a coping mechanism, on daily basis.
People chose to not confront the Truth, because it inevitably leads to more loving and compassionate ways, and giving into such ways is far beyond that comfort zone, even if the certainty one has, is a cruel and devastating one. Cruel to both our own humanity, and divinity.
We’ve been trying for so long to improve the quality of our lives, but our intentions have not always been fruitful, because of the destructive ways we’ve tried to implement this change. We’ve punished our children and adults for their “misconduct”, but rarely have we tried to understand and ease their suffering, we’ve tried to silence the voice of pain, the only voice that pain knows, because of our own discomfort, we end up disowning our children, and struggling adults in the process. Dealing with the surface levels is easier, of course.
We do it to ourselves daily. Individually for decades, and collectively for centuries. It’s easier to silence a child, than to cultivate ourselves. But aren’t we also forcing ourselves to be something other than who we are? Convince ourselves to want something we really don’t, and feel other than what we’re really feeling and need what we don’t need? We’re mostly committed to misunderstanding our own inner voice, especially when it’s saying what we refuse to hear.
We are the grand educators of the Earth! Then…why is this so embarrassing? Why are we embarrassed in front of ourselves?
It’s easier to label ourselves as lazy, addicted, stupid, etc. than to listen to the voice of our emotions begging for relief as we force ourselves down the wrong path, the path that our entire being is protesting against and trying to make us hear this really simple message: “ Stop! You are hurting me!” In that same way we label children as misbehaved or lazy, when they don’t comply to the ways of of schooling we created! We forget that we didn’t create it for them. We didn’t create it to respect for every individuals needs. Everything that fails to fit in our designated frame becomes disowned. Cut. In how many areas are we doing this? In how many ways?
So instead of understanding that we’re headed down the wrong path, we label ourselves as wrong for failing miserably, in walking the path that was never even ours. We become cut off from our own love. Cut off this and that — and it’s like cutting off the oxygen from those parts of ourselves that need to breathe. We inflict more pain to our already existing wounding.
No one can live your life better than you. It is not selfish to want the things you want for yourself. The self-ish thing here, is not about you living your life — it’s about you expecting others to live your life, too.
In how many areas, everything that is unlike ourselves is condemned? In how many ways we disown everything and everyone that isn’t in the way we prefer it and want it to be (even though our way is not necessarily better)?
Race, religion, nationality, gender, sexuality — and even minor differences in our opinions cannot seem to find a common ground in acceptance and tolerance, because somehow we only feel validated when we’re overpowering other (different) ways of being. Even though our preferences come across as exclusive, it doesn’t by default imply the healthiest way of being.
Let’s not stumble upon each other’s ways.
And that’s also in a way — both funny and ironic, because to my observation our differences in fact, have a way of making us more into our individual selves. How do we know what day is, without the night? How do we know the difference between hot and cold? We can’t paint this Life with a single colour on our palette. We are all the more beautiful when we come together.
Ask yourself: Can I be at peace with myself without tearing others down?
When we are overpowering, we are denying something or someone the right to exist. The ignorance here, comes with the idea that it’s a loving act, so we insist. We’re trying to violently fix and change what we can’t understand, in the same we’re trying to dominate our environment instead of evolving and living in harmony with it.
Don’t take my word for it. It’s very well known that a lot of species evolve with environmental changes. All this technological progress is simply one way of evolutionary progress, and we might never find out what course our evolution would take if we were to adapt to the environment instead. Our technological progress was not so much about evolution, as much as avoiding extinction. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, until our survival is based on extinction of everything else in our environment — and our environment altogether. It actually sounds a bit backwards, since I don’t know how are we going to make this survival thing happen, without our environment. Does anyone?
Surely, we can find ways to advance our technologies enough to have us moved to another planet once our exploitation of Gaia reaches the point of no return, but then why can’t we evolve past our destructive ways instead?
We need to Let each others BE, and find better ways of handling what we are presented with. You vs. Me, Us vs. Them dynamic — is a way for all of us to lose.
So what do we do about it ?
First of all , making peace with ourselves has a lot to do with making peace with things inside of ourselves that we’re conflicted with. I’ve been working as an energy healer and a mentor for quite some time, only to realise that most people avoid healing, because true healing requires confrontation, it requires deliberate attention to things that aren’t as fluff. We need more courage to be able to look inside of ourselves, into those things that are painful and disturbing. We don’t need these rigid ways of being anymore, they haven’t proven to be as functional anyways.
We can’t bully ourselves into healing. We can’t fool our design and we can’t tell nature (even though we are still trying to lmao): “I know better than you and my ways are better than your ways!”
Stop trying to be that fish trying to climb the tree. Stop trying to make other fishes climb the tree. We can’t appreciate others any more than we are willing to appreciate ourselves, in all of our positive and negative qualities. Listen to the pain. Listen to the discomfort. They might we warning you of something, some great injustice that you are doing to your Loving nature.
Listen to your No and your Yes more carefully. Open your heart to receive more of you. Authentic you. Listen to others and what they are trying to communicate to you. Open up your heart to make room for the possibility of things not always being according to your preference. You may not always be right.
And that’s alright…because you can always be more Loving.