“Be water, my friend… “
It’s no joke how attached we get to success and achievement.
How easily we turn to judgement and labels, and label ourselves as losers when we fail to meet expectations of our (or someone else’s) agenda.
But what if losing is sometimes so much better than clinging onto the wrong things?
“Losing your shit” or your Mind — as a living being, living and breathing and having that wild bloodstream of our youthful, boiling blood.
Not overthinking every step, not being afraid of failure and setbacks. And most importantly following your heart.
Not thinking about how it makes you look externally. If you look silly or ridiculous. If it makes sense to those around you.
A lot of anxiety is a byproduct of fear for our own reputation. We are in this pain of trying to make perfect and be perfect, and trying to fill in that space, that creates the distance from now moment to when we actually feel — enough.
What is enough? Is it ever going to be enough? And…When?
Then we try filling that void with items, collectables — achievements, designer items, titles, money. Even knowledge (or more accurately, information).
Eventually all of it becomes a reference to our identity construct.
And it’s so much more about not risking rejection that even seeking approval. Like walking on egg shells.
The pain of shame is one gaping open wound and it’s so difficult to confront. We are ashamed of ourselves so looking becomes painful, because seeing something and giving it our undivided attention makes it all the more real.
You are called into Presence.
And what is to say that we must overcome scarce mentality, when at the same time we fail to understand what has created it in the first place, is that “not enough” that we’re desperate to compensate for. It’s not about being righteously poor and decorating yourself with how modest you are while self depriving and neglecting your needs — but has everything to do with the reasons behind what you’re doing.
You become more concerned with the way things look, from what they authentically are. You’re more concerned with how things look from what actually brings you joy.
A Queen in rags is still a Royal descent. A commoner in silk and precious stones is still a commoner.
This is why a Queen has nothing to prove.
We can’t fake our essence. Nor we can fake how we feel on the inside. We can try to mask it, to cover up. But the internal Peace comes with you being at Peace with some turbulence and also uncertainty, just like the Ocean deep is at Peace with some Waves on its surface.
So let’s focus on losing.
Being a loser for the most part of my life has helped me get rid of shit I never needed in the first place.
Attachment to form.
Self image.
Labels and titles.
Others narratives.
Self destruction.
The need to be strong one and carry the weight of the world all the time,
and so on.
When I let Life wash me clean,
I lost responsibility that wasn’t mine, like for others thoughts and opinions and became in charge of my own reality.
I now decide how my life is going to be. I decide how I get to feel. I allowed myself to say No and lose a few relationships that weren’t serving my best interest. Including my dysfunctional relationship with myself.
I allowed myself to grow out of the need to be “perfect” in the sense that most people use this term. Not having my shit together all the time is fine.
Instead of beating myself up for every single tiny fucking detail, I am focusing on loving and nourishment and accepting myself in my joys and sorrows, so I get to live a life that is authentic to me. I gave myself permission to fail miserably.
My mental and emotional health are far more important than having everything under control and getting it right. As are yours.
You can lose a lot of things and be rewired completely anew, if you’re only willing to lose what serves no longer.
Let that shit go.
Let yourself life a full life.