Fifth Dimensional Consciousness vs. Instant Gratification

3 min readAug 10, 2020


Many people confuse 5D template as a way to instant gratification, when in fact, it’s the way of least resistance. Synchronization alignment happens because you release resistance to the grand WHAT IS.

It happens because you’ve gotten yourself out of the way, because you allowed yourself to purge, to heal and attend what requires your attention and TUNE IN.

You now resemble a little drop losing all the awareness about the stream, the existence of the stream becomes irrelevant, the existence of the tide and the direction is irrelevant. There is no distinction between you and the stream, you can’t tell one apart from another. You are the stream’s dancing current, continuous waves of your own unfolding.

Which way leads to the sea? Which was to the ocean? Which way to the Source? Irrelevant.

Your longing intuitively feels the path dancing over pebbles and between mountain chains. Can you tell the stream apart from the mountain? Immersed in landscapes of infinity, we become the geography, the divine imprint and blueprint.

We no longer have to avoid pebbles, we can take them along, and we no longer need to crash into mountains, we can gracefully flow around them and allow them to adjust our course.

This because we don’t resist the mountain, we don’t resist that some things cannot be moved or aren’t meant to — we don’t resist a different way of unfolding from which we have imagined or expected. We don’t resist the pebbles of our failures, ignorance, or lack of skills — we integrate them as a part of our progression and lovingly shape them, polish them, cultivate them and turn them into an asset.

We aren’t afraid of pebbles because we aren’t afraid of raw potential, of the appearance before the things take final shape. Just like Michelangelo wasn’t afraid of marble blocks, before he saw David’s godly figure emerge.

If we are patient and diligent enough to cultivate ourselves and others, we come a long way.

Mountains represents our approach to challenges, and any mountain can be overcome by either climbing, underground passages or making our way around it.

Take notice, we aren’t in resistance to the mountain nor are we in resistance to anything else we may come across — we acknowledge it, embrace it as purposeful and continue to progress, carried further by our curious wanderlust towards that intuitive vision.

We polish everything pebble into philosophers stone. We carve coils into diamond.

We embody the Geography. All of it- every aspect. There is no rising above this without missing out on. Which part of your being is more you than the other? Which part do you prefer and deem worthy or legitimate?

You think about yourself way too much and yet, know absolutely nothing until you’ve known all.




Written by Apsolutiram

A virtual haven, for everyone and anyone to get lost in — or find themselves.

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