Final destination — Heaven! It’s boarding time!
We’re created in the image of God.
Now we’re talking about God and the Goddess, principle of Union.
That is to say God is becoming slightly more complex in our perception of its image that we’ve so far understood.
Funny, isn’t it?
So far, our interpretation of God has been extremely exclusive.
If God was a perceivable totality, absolute, infinite, omnipotent and omnipresent — One. Would God ever really be a “He” God?
Or would have God been the Father, the Mother and everything in between and beyond, from the smallest to the greatest, from above to below, from negative to positive, without as within — from Alpha to Omega?
And yet, so many ask themselves should God love them so and such, or have they fallen out of Grace, as if falling was somehow less divine than rising, as if falling or rising wasn’t an expression of Free will and our God’s given right to manifest that Will with every choice we make.
Everyone is concerned with Ascension process now. It feels like the entire Earth population is packing their luggage, and unsure as to what to keep and what to leave behind, how many items are they allowed to take on this journey and many more feeling extensively disoriented when it comes to the direction they are meant to take.
Final destination — Heaven! It’s boarding time! Oh wait…did you just lose your way to the airport?
It’s alright. I’ll hook you up. ;)
…and let’s make sure you travel lightly. You won’t need these old things anyways, with God as your provider.