How to choose the right practitioner, mentor and guide?
When it comes to all sorts of spiritual alliances, resonance is one of most significant clues to take into consideration. However today, i want to talk about choosing an energy healing practitioner or spiritual mentor that is right for YOUR designated path.
Even a practitioner that is just right for you, will not necessarily be right for you at all times — depending on what the purpose of your alliance is meant to be.
As drastically our energy can shift in a very short while, this is something to keep in mind with genuine acceptance, because the Universe truly has benevolent intentions at heart when it comes to meeting your needs and providing BEST opportunities for your growth. This calls for Divine Timing coming into perspective, whenever something seems to be denied to you. Accept humbly that it is so.
Not having the funds for exchange is one of these obstacles and no one is at fault that it this may be the case. Any practitioners that allow to be manipulated into providing a service are not going to benefit your growth. A good and experienced practitioner honors the STOP sign, from the Universe, and they will not take you into session unless conditions have been created. NO is a NO — and it’s non negotiable, as there’s really no point in working out of alignment.
Also, remember that a practitioner with healthy, high vibration energy is meant and able to uplift you, rather than work on the levels where you can remain comfortable. However, their energy is not only spiritually expansive, but also stable and grounded. Seek for practitioners who embody both. If your intention is to truly deal, heal and grow — seek out to practitioners who will not play into your Ego, spiritually, emotionally, mentally or financially. You will know this, because they will not lower the bar for you. You are a Master Manifestor, I AM Creative Divinity embodied…then why would you even need a free pass?
This is to say, preferably don’t go into session centered in your small self mentality. You may ask now…”Well if i am so powerful, why would I even need to hire anyone?” Because you are able to, because you deserve to work with someone who can challenge you in the right way to maximize your potential. If you can’t or won’t accept the challenge, you’re going to continue going around in circles without resolving anything..with or without help.
Besides, why do you hire a car mechanic? Why do you go to a hospital? Why do you hire a developer or designer for your website? So, my best guess, is that other people work with other tools you may not have access to. This is to say that everyone works on their own terms and if you’re not OK with those terms, there’s probably something else for you in store. You don’t go into a fancy restaurant only to tell the chef how to cook their signature meal, right?
However, they are only ever responsible for their part of work, and you are responsible for yours. This means that your alliance is that of equals — both fully responsible for which they have made a commitment to. When you come into session from the perspective of power, the power to choose a practitioner (trusting your intuition ), the power to provide for yourself (manifest funds for exchange), power to deal with your shadow aspects (take a close look at where you might be holding yourself back), have the power to implement necessary changes (starting with not making yourself the victim of circumstances) — then you’re coming in session with entirely different attitude.
For many of you out there who had disappointing experiences, i’m going going to break it down for you as well, so that you can keep yourself in check in the future: Your Wounded Self manifested negative experience, because your subconscious intention wasn’t to heal, it was to repeat the cycle of trauma. You manifested disappointment, so that you could keep your disappointment, disbelief and distrust. Be aware that you’re coming into session with baggage you may not be aware of. Self sabotage is not just a fancy term.
But even if you find a practitioner that you respect, trust, and feel in resonance with — and yet, are prevented from hiring… What does it mean? It simply means that Universe is working on creating a more beneficial conditions, as a preparation stage for both of you to come into alignment with a different energetic coding, in order for you to engage on the level that you’re meant to. So by the time your finances improve, (you gain access to the service) you and your chosen practitioner will go through necessary upgrades that will serve as a foundation for your further evolutionary growth.
Take these delays as something that’s ultimately working in your favor.