Jupiter in Sagittarius: “Beyond the horizon”

7 min readJan 11, 2019


I always like to think of Fire as spiritual energy that burns everything we are not. Total reset, resurrection flame. Fire, we could think of as being the purest of elements as it can hardly be polluted. And so when we think of the 3 Fiery Archetypes, here is what they teach us:

  1. Aries — Innocence of Existence
  2. Leo — Innocence of Sexual energy
  3. Sagittarius — Innocence of the Mind

…and by the innocence, i mean the ultimate purity, which enables to have a completely Fresh Experience, Feeling and Perspective.

These energies put us in a place where we can have that First experience, over and over again, without having to reincarnate. In a way — they are embodiment of Eternal Youth.

Ignorance, in this aspect, truly is bliss.

In Aries, we are courageous as a child that is learning it’s first steps. It doesn’t get discouraged by that fact it’s been falling on it’s booty times beyond count. It tries again, and again and again. There’s no such thing as mistakes, only different ways of growth.

In Leo, we are courageous enough to be completely vulnerable, and to connect through our Heart in which Flame of Love burns ever so brightly. We are playful and able to express our vitality creatively. We are autonomous in what we feel. We are authority when it comes to our self image.

In Sagittarius, we become courageous enough to question and to fluctuate. We understand that certainty is not always a positive thing — one can be certain and still be wrong. Knowing nothing makes us accessible to being taught. What can one learn, when one is convinced to know everything?

I wouldn’t say it’s about being completely ignorant — however, what I would say, and is true from my personal experience, is that there should be enough space between trusting what we see or feel and the interpretation of its actual meaning and purpose. There’s also a relevance behind me saying from my personal experience — since it should be taken into account, that whatever subject we are approaching, we are doing so from an individual perspective. Our perceptions can be influenced, and this essentially becomes a lens through which we see the world, it’s wise to keep in mind that capacity of the lens is very much conditional. This calls for mindfulness, as to awareness of what one constructs their vision of reality of and on what grounds. Once we make our peace with that fact that individualized perspective is something we all have in common, we disengage from having to be agreeable. Our worlds will not end in disagreement. Live and let live — even if life choices of others are different from your own, they are not a threat to your existence. Someone else’s core Truth, does not make your choices wrong by default. You’re still allowed to live as is most authentic to you.

When dealing with Sagittarius energies — progression has to be taken into account. Truth is essentially expansive, and so the Truth will differ and evolve in time. Each new piece of information will provide with an opportunity for deeper insight and epiphanies, in the same way stories progress in motion pictures — jumping into conclusions leads to oversight and misunderstanding. This is to remind us, that the higher perspective comes from acknowledgement of our limitations, and we take into account that any update is capable of shifting and expanding our field of vision. Every Now moment can be considered the highest peak in the progression of our awareness, but not the highest one possible. Sagittarius is a mutable sign for a reason. Leave certainty to Capricorn, and stay reminded — you are not there, just yet. Capricorn (Time) will put everything into perspective.

Who ever said that sky is the limit — lied. Expansive potential is limitless.

Understanding our own limitations may serve as a reminder than there is the whole being of existence waiting for our wanderlust to be expressed. The journeys we embark on — can be internalized or externalized ones.

Our consciousness is equally fascinating to explore as the landscapes of Gaia. Sagittarius is a sign of pilgrimage, and so the course of life itself becomes a deeply intimate spiritual experience. This is the journey of many routes, a sacred maze that’s leading us to the Land of Free. We may suppose that after trials of Pluto, it would make you feel carefree like a child in a candy store, however, Pluto was only preparing you for what is to come. It was unburdening, to ensure you travel lightly. If you are to reach the Highest Peak, you need to make sure there’s nothing dragging you down.

Take only necessities.

Scorpio realm is where we’ve discovered the Power of Will. We were overpowered to the extent that our Life Force awakened and enabled our survival. Sagittarius is where Will meets Freedom, which becomes essential to our connection with Divine. It is in our own Free Will that we make God our confidant, and humble ourselves to receive guidance, care and protection. God has no interest in slaves — set yourself free and then come, it’s time for introduction.

Scorpio gives us the gift of Trust in our own abilities, when it comes to dealing with upheavals. We no longer fear being lost, so we allow ourselves to roam. We start to embrace uncertainty and come in full Faith, which is the only thing required on this journey. We have courage to ask questions, to not make assumptions — we know that Truth is beyond our control, and our ability and willingness to question speaks of how strong our inner foundation really is. We are able to allow ourselves and others to not have all the right answers, all the time. Our worlds will not crumble and instead our perceptions will expand. Not having to know everything turns into liberation!

What will you do now that there’s nothing holding you back?

Freedom comes through facing Truth that has long been avoided. Truth of our subconscious fears and programming that have kept us far from reconnecting with the world. We are now able to see the perfect and precise orchestration of our designed path. Ability to love ourselves in the ruin gives renewed sense of power, a more profound one. Standing in our authenticity and ability to communicate our truths clearly, comes out of alignment to the fullness and complexity of our being, and connected internally we connect to everything else. We no longer fear loss. What we had lost was the false idea of what loss is, and now we let go and let God. We now know that what is in alignment with our truth, with our core being — has no need in being forcefully kept, it comes and stays effortlessly. We trust our needs to be met.

Rethink commitment. (especially during Mercury Rx)

I believe that any sort of partnerships are made in Free Will. Sagittarius is not necessarily the commitment type, as we know it in fact, we have labelled it as pretty much synonym for fear of commitment. The amazing thing about it, is that Sagittarius are not so much afraid of commitment to others, as much as they are committed to following their own bliss, in which aspect they might have a great point. However, when commitments are made in Free Will as they are ideally meant to, in alignment with our sense of bliss, we find that what commitment truly is — acting in alignment with what we feel as our core Truth (even if that Truth can evolve and transform). True partnership means that when you are True to You, you are also True to Me. That also means that there is no way for you to betray me, or be unfaithful to me, unless you are being untrue to yourself first. What a beautiful way to come together, indeed. It’s just a matter of having that internal alignment in check, just to make sure our commitments are coming from a place of integrity. This way of coming together is essential to Love being Free and Effortless — and therefore, thriving.

When lost in unknown territories, we ask for directions. We’ve let go of the need to be right, and now we are open to Life providing us with more answers and solutions. When your Mind wanders off into what you can’t understand, seek guidance and trust your intuition to process this information. Trust. Trust. Trust.

Trust You. Trust Life.

It is true that “Not all who wander are lost”, but it’s also true, that sometimes losing what isn’t authentic to your being — is the closest thing to being found.




Written by Apsolutiram

A virtual haven, for everyone and anyone to get lost in — or find themselves.

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