Misplaced spiritual values and money blockages.
If we haven’t come in terms with the fact our connection to money and wealth is in need of profound healing...what are we even doing with all this spiritual practice?
This is a short story about how our limiting beliefs create a resistance and create a narrative of imbalance in your lives.
Here’s what I believe to be true:
If people can take money for doing all sorts of bad and harmful things,
We can receive it as a reward for serving the higher good.
In fact — Giving and Receiving a fair reward for good deeds, is a direct investment into energy of goodness. So if you’re doing good, by investing in yourself, you’re amplifying the energy of goodness. Our collective thrives on this kind of energetic support.
That’s the difference happening as we incorporate spiritual values into our lives.
It means consciously creating and living in the world where good deeds are valued and rewarded, and where wrongdoings don’t go unpunished.
It’s not the same. It can NEVER be the same.
The money is not the problem.
Spirituality is not the problem.
The real problem is how these things correlate and how we navigate through them.
Does your growth in spiritual awareness make you a better person?
Does it clarify your motives, purpose and intentions?
Does your purpose come in alignment with kindness, compassion, and higher/collective good?
Why should people who harm acquire wealth and not people who wish to do good?
In what hands do you believe that energy will have more benefits and power?
And what kind of power do you believe it would be?
And to what purposes would it go?
See… Wealth in hands of wicked (spiritually sick) people can only cause more harm. It is pure power — but a power used for harmful causes and the more power there is, the more wrongdoing is enabled.
Every day, masses feed wealth to corporations and their owners, by consuming enormous quantities of products, whether they need them or not.
Every. Single. Day.
And yet, here we are having petty arguments and being fearful of people who are in the same boat with us, and tearing each other apart.
Where’s the sense in that?
It’s incredible that spiritual community says: money is not spiritual, it is not spiritual to charge for help.
Well, it better become spiritual really fast, because by the looks of it, we need all the help we can get.
What we invest in, shows what we value.
What do we value?
Do we value kindness and support? Do we value people who work in our highest interests? Do we want to support that kind of energy in our community?
To invest is to support. So naturally, when we invest in what we value, we support that energy in our lives and our community.
If you want to invest in healing, in kindness, in love, in integrity — invest in people who embody those qualities and serve in correlation to those values.
Just get in terms with the fact that you’re still paying someone: with your consumption, with your tax money, with everything else that you do.
You just don’t think about what kind of people you’re paying. You see a girl or a boy behind the counter and you think “They’re just paying for college, probably” and maybe you’re right. But they’re at the very bottom of a very big chain.
You go to McDonald’s, you never ask yourself where your money actually ends up. You just get a burger with milkshake.
I mean…would you like fries with that?
So, please.
Your investment matters. But for it to have an impact it must be a conscious one. You’ve got to know what you’re giving, why you’re giving and to whom.
Make sure your Money/Power goes into good hands — not only in terms of them providing you with goods or quality service, but to someone you can trust to handle it in a good way.