Open letter to my friends: “Honour your gifts”

4 min readMay 3, 2019


This is an open letter to all of you who continue shrinking yourselves, as if though you’re trying to fit your baby shoes. For all of you who keep settling, in any area of your life. Growth is a beautiful thing.

My outstanding magnificent Souls! By God, how I believe in YOU!

For anyone and everyone who had the trouble of being their most authentic, HIGHEST version of their Soul embodiment — Divinely designed to be the most precious, most cared for, most revered.

What has by God been given to you — you must not refuse!

I know how difficult it is to receive Love freely, and yet, freely is the only way that True Love can ever be given. Love of all things is meant to flow effortlessly.

…and whoever tells you otherwise, is wrong. Perhaps they haven’t been taught differently, whether by mentors — or it was what they chose to understand from their experiences. Let them be wrong and move on.

Love is given in Grace, in Divine knowing and acceptance of your wholeness and complexity. A Gift is a Gift because it comes without a price tag. Gratitude is simply your agreement to receive.

…and yet, this pain that comes from holding onto our unworthiness, prevents us from moving forward. We always question, or refuse what is being given to us, for this or that number of reasons. Sometimes the reason is — too easy. We have no means to justify such a blessing. What did we do to deserve it?

When you hold onto a false belief, your hands are too full to receive anything beautiful or true.

By all means we try to justify our right to acquire our Gift. That which is already ours. It is not easy to allow oneself the magnificence, in society where codependency requires silencing ourselves or become an outcast,collectively and individually. It’s not easy to own our uniqueness and strengths in a world full of people who disconnect from their Soul desires and potential. Many incapacitate themselves from building the life they want, and somewhere down the road it carries the danger of becoming our fault. So we settle for less.

Being outstanding is such an inappropriate outrage!

Even though sharing is caring, we have also been lead to believe that happiness of others comes before our own. We feel it’s unjust when our abilities outgrow the comfort zone of others. The pace of their journey should not be slowing us down. They always have a choice, and certainly have potential. Isn’t it humiliating of a treatment to deal with others as if though they are less capable from ourselves? We are “too much”, so we tear ourselves to pieces, in order to fill someone else’s (however imaginary) void. We continuously reduce ourselves in places others refuse to grow. We end up feeling like we won’t ever be enough, and of course if we do so, we won’t suffice. Be gently reminded that you do not owe yourself to anyone.

We can never be enough to those who aren’t enough to themselves. And so the critical voice appears: “So insensitive, so selfish. Soooo…arrogant!” We fear judgement, loss, rejection, abandonment and so we readily carry the weight of someone else’s world — their choices, their responsibility. We put in all this effort and ask ourselves: “How come Love isn’t healing?” We try to fill the void in others because of our own weaknesses, attachments and vulnerabilities. It’s a terrifying thought of what would happen to most of our relationships with the realisation that there is no void. There’s never been one, not in you and not in anyone else. All you need is that you allow yourself to shine — and in doing so, you shall be honouring your Gift.

If you’re still looking for permission — this is it.

Mostly it’s the permission to let go of everything that is not in alignment with the fullness and radiance of you. Before you wallow in your fear of loss, do ask yourself what is truly worth keeping. Get acquainted with your own false beliefs and reductive emotions, that damage relationship you have with yourself.

It’s time to let the dead weight go.




Written by Apsolutiram

A virtual haven, for everyone and anyone to get lost in — or find themselves.

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