Twin flame healing: “Simplified graphics”
If by any chance you’re one of those people who’s been wondering about why Diving Masculine is running, it’s because they are not. They never were.
And it’s not the Feminine who is more ready.
At least not in what’s in apparent on the physical level.
In truth, the real reason why we see Feminine as more aware, is because She is in fact Internally Masculine.
This means that it is Her Spiritual Essence, that is planting the seed of consciousness into her partner, to initiate the process of their healing and merging journey. It’s literally like an OS.
It is this initiation that propels them into doing whatever needs to be done for this reunion to be complete. From that moment on, they begin their merging process and never truly are separate, regardless of what it externally seems.
The length of the journey itself only depends on their designed path, and this may also refer to two important things. The preparation they’ve both had prior to meeting, because they pick up wherever they’ve left off, until the clearing is complete. The other, is their actual willingness to deal, instead of bypassing their trauma and conditioning. This may depend on types of conditioning as well.
We all know that Twin Flames are 1:1 mirrors to one another. Yin and Yang. We all know that as a general rule it’s going to be “As above, so below” — or, “As within so without” — However we often overlook the fact that internal dynamic is also taking place…so which way it goes?
It goes…Up.
And then Down.
Healing of the Feminine Physical vessel is essential and has to take place first because Feminine is the Sacred Cup, and the Cup has to be Purified before it is able to hold these high level Spiritual energies. No joke. Due to centuries of conditioning our physical vessels are not precisely in alignment with extremely high vibrations. This means that their capacity has to be optimized before proceeding any further, otherwise connections with higher vibrations can become a very painful experience. This is also one of reasons why Twin Flame healing at times, takes up so much “time”. Having an immediate intake would literally tear a human being to pieces. Think about taking large doses of powerful medicine.
This is something like getting a higher overdrive, if you will.
And it’s all necessary before energies move UP into higher dimensions, for Spiritual healing to take place. Healing of the Feminine Vessel is also significant because she is also assisting healing of her Internal Feminine counterpart and their unified ability to receive and contain. And while Twin Flames are already — gradually — merging, a lot of orchestration happens in the physical reality, as a reflection of what’s happening to their Spiritual essence. This of course results in awakening in the one we see as the External Masculine.
And that’s when things start coming back down to Earth. Thank God!
It is very unsettling space to be in, with so many unspoken agreements, to have your mind wrapped up something, however clearly you can sense the reality of it — and experiencing someone’s undivided presence, being yet more prominent all the while they are physically gone.
The natural progression here can be seen in three chapters: Physical — Spiritual — Physical.
The third, Physical stage comes as a natural consequence after Spiritual Reunion/Marriage has taken place.
Or as Qingyuan Weixin says:
At the first level on the path he saw mountains as mountains and rivers as rivers. On the second level of the path he saw that mountains are not mountains and rivers are not rivers. And at a third level he saw once again mountains were mountains and rivers were rivers.