Verbal diarrhea in (very) public spaces: We are the internet
Effective communication is the key.
Because misinformation spreads like wildfire, and because people will attach their own ignorance to whatever space you allow them to use for interpretation of your intended message.
So when you present an issue or a concern, be sure not to target anyone specifically (not as a profession, race, religion, nationality, gender, sexuality etc.) and to provide clarification on as many grounds as you can. Otherwise it so happens that your anger related to one individual, points into “these people under the label of your choice” who have nothing to do with it. In other words, be objective as much as possible, focusing on and offering the solution, because guess what? Bashing something is so uncool, unless you can make a way for progress, and offer effective guidance.
This will also help you gather people around the solution, rather then the problem.
If you’re not an expert on the subject, perhaps you should consider staying in your lane altogether. Just a thought? Because at the end of the day, if you’re not an expert (and sometimes even if you are) it’s just your personal opinion, on something you may not fully understand, and these things have nothing to do with you being heard…right? In any case, don’t make it personal. order to effectively communicate, be sure not to talk out of personal frustration. I get that for many people out there, it’s usually the time when they feel mostly motivated to speak up, but it’s also not the time when one can articulate thoughts in a way that benefit anyone or resolves anything.
Since we are all connected on a deep level, both the information and the energy that follows spreads like wildfire. If your intention is making a difference, you might wanna consider, which one you really have in mind. Making a difference can be done in a variety of ways.
Our unawareness makes this dangerous, just as our awareness would make this a truly powerful way of shifting the consciousness of our collective.
We have the ability to truly connect for better or worse.
Here’s what happens energetically:
Most people would pick up on your frustration and connect with the same painful and unresolved issues in their own space. And depending on their experiences and conditioning it would target a certain “threat” in the same way our body cells would target a stressful area. It’s not just herd mentality, and it’s not just empathy — it’s symbiosis.
And now as people start to connect around the same energy, they join forces to eliminate that source of discomfort. It’s good when people join in for the right cause and purpose, but what when that’s not really the case? That would turn, something what is essentially valuable and good, to working against us.
Because if we unite to eliminate a “threat”, no matter how correct or incorrect our information about it is, it might turn out as a great misunderstanding or misinterpretation. In other words: Misinformation. We don’t respond so much to the nature and reality as much as our own idea about the reality. Our filters are powerful and can be dirty as fuck. We respond to a piece of misinformation to cause nothing but chaos, because our response comes out of a chaotic space within ourselves.
And we are passing on our interpretation of reality, outwardly and forwardly in a conscious and not so conscious ways.
We can only instill clarity from space of clarity.
This calls for mindfulness, and that means making things more conscious for yourself first, becoming very clear within yourself — sit with it, meditate on it — whatever it takes to get you in the space of CLARITY.
Before getting it out there.
Now, with it being said, this ripple effect is also something you need to become aware of as something affecting you as well, all the more so, a reason to keep yourself in check.
Because, we are all connected by what we intake and what we release. Mind both the intake and the release.
If you are under the influence of someone else’s frustration and stress, it’s probably not the best time for you to engage further, with them or anyone else. Any information should be firstly filtered through your own awareness, your discernment, etc. Besides, you are in no rush, take all the time you need to properly process.
There is a reason why both socializing and virtual spaces, are both referred to as network-ing — since exchanging information and the accessibility to it, and also our immediate connection with collective social structure makes it all the more easier to influence and be influenced by the interaction. Network by definition represents connectivity of numerous individual units into a single structured whole — so when we say that It’s all One, that’s exactly what that means — one infinite grid to include everything it consists of, in the same way our bodily organs effectively communicate within the structure.
Communication is connectivity.
Effective communication gives us all the necessary information in a way that it can best understood and implemented. So when you decide to express your opinion to the general public, you are a transmitter of information on variety of levels.
What kind of tide are you wanting to create? What is the general and individual purpose for the information you are sharing? What will be the consequences?
There is no Awareness without Accountability. If you aren’t Accountable for what you’re bringing forth, if you’re not willing to consider the aftermath of your messaging, then i suppose “talk is cheap” will turn out very pricey, indeed.